Update for episode 2:
Its still beautiful, even more so than episode one. But the game play is the same, moving from room to room solving a specific subset of puzzles. That breaks up the flow of the story. Theres also a couple of horrendous puzzles including one involving musical notes and paint cans. I did enjoy the story. Its too bad the gameplay isnt nearly as good as the scenery.
Review for episode 1:
In this first episode you literally go from room to room, solving the puzzles within that room. Many of the situations are contrived. Everything you need will be in that room. Between rooms you will listen to a lot of dialog. When you can contribute to the conversation, it makes little difference what you select. There are unnaturally long delays when you want to talk with someone. The scenes are incredibly detailed and the animation, which is lacking for some actions, looks good. I laughed when, after Nico swept up some blood, she tucked the broom into her blazer. Its unfortunate given how beautiful the scenes look. Its all story development so far. Hopefully episode 2 will have more substance.
frke about Broken Sword 5