Perfect in many aspects: controls, time spent by walking minimized, possible to skip single dialogue lines, immaculate graphics, pro. voice acting in various languages, lightning-fast saving and smooth/stable gameplay. YET, all those utilized for an insubstantial story and godawful puzzles. as an adventure game nerd of >20 years, this is by far the easiest/most obvious one I played. Its an interactive story marketed as a point& click adventure. Nothing wrong with that per se, but it lacks the story-telling strengths of wolf among us or dear Esther, or even w. Dead games to succeed as an interactive story. (No original twist brought to the stolen, ominous historical artwork trope, very flat, vexingly stereotypical characters, none of whom develop into anything remotely identifiable ). On top of that, Its not possible, let alone necessary, for the players to switch locations in the city, the game itself patronizingly takes the player to the correct scene one after another. All that the infantilized player needs to do is to find the right interaction among 4-5 available ones. Recent iOS games like year walk and device 6 hit the perfect spot in terms of playability/difficulty, IMO. the first two broken swords found the equilibrium too. Please get decent writers, folks, Im truly sad to see so much coding/game design know-how wasted on a lame story and kindergarten-level puzzles.
nurikaakasouliloquy about Broken Sword 5